Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Its finally summer time in Angoulême! The days are long and hot, thank god we have a pool so spent the day in. Summer here is so so soooo hot! Most days are 30°C or over, tomorrow its supposed to be 35°C! Im definatley making the most of the weather tho, getting black! haha.
Um so yeah summer means summer holidays which means 3 months of holidays which means dont go back to school till september. The year has gone so fast already, ive done nearly 6 months, less than 5 more to go. Have been shopping my heart out seeing as sales are on (very good sales might i add), but am going to control myself and wait till i go to Italy with Aunty Awerangi (in 12 days to be exact) and then going to Paris when i get back so am going to save money and suitcase space for that! I am definately gna start sending stuff back home soon cos no way am i leaving any of my new stuff here at the end of the year! haha.
On saturday we are going camping, at a camping ground about 50 mins away, and its right by the beach so well be spending sat and sunday at the beach and campground (me, Fanny, Mélanie et Amélie) and then on the monday we will be doing a 4 hour canoeing trip! Shouold be fun. Then on tuesday we are leaving to go to Nathalie(host mum) s family farm thing for 4 days, then i leave for Italy.
The other night i went to have dinner with some people i met, Nelly (englih lady met her ages ago), and a couple, Elvana, (who is greek), David, (who is french), and Jason (there little sone who is just over 1 yr old) and it was cool! theyre really nice, and Jason is soooooo cute he is the only little kid that ive met since ive been here and i love him! haha His parents were telling me how crazy it was the way he follows me and looks and smiles and wants to play with me all the time haha i love it cos i miss being around little kids so yeah, he has all my attention! Hope theyll need a baby sitter sometime soon:)
Oh! And i dont know for sure, but i think i might be fluent in French? People ask me and ask me if im fluent ad im like no not yet, but then ive heard my family tell people im fluent now so it made me ask my self how am i suppodsed to know when im fluent? I can understand every thing and can reply fine, but its just the vocab that i dont understand sometimes? So yeah i dont know if that means im fluent or not. And i dont like speaking english either. Stutter too much.

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