Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fun Camping.

Yesterday we got back from a weekend camping, and it was such a cool weekend we had so much fun! the camping spot was just out of a small village called Aubeterre, which is classed as one of the prettiest towns in France. The camping grounds were pretty cool, we pitched our tent right at the back right next to the river, and then we had a view of a dam and the artificial beach too. We also had a couple of Dutch neighbours who were real cool, they invited us over to their tent for little nights out with them it was fun. The first day we got there we just pitched up our tent and sorted out our stuff, then went spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach, and then went in to town to grab a drink at the bar. Got back and it was hot, so went for an evening swim which was better cos there was no one else there just us and our neighbours. They were jumping off the little dam so we wanted to go try, and i sliped and fell off instead of jumping off and fully thought i was gna drown haha but i managed, and then after that Fanny and Amélie were too scared to go down but the dutch guys were like come on its easy well help you and so they did it and i wanted to do it without drowning this time so i went and did it again and they helped me not drown haha and then we started talking and stuff and then thats how we made friends with them haha. That night we spent it at their tent, and then the next morning i woke up to go toilet only to find an old man fishing right outside our tent. What a lovely suprise. Then the next day we went and did a visit of the town and went to an underground church, which is reeeeeally old and was entirely carved out from inside a big boulder, it was pretty cool. That night we went to town again to the bar to watch the world cup finals and got there and the pub was packed as, so we spent ages tryna get a drink, got our drinks and just listened from outside behind all the crowd and then left cos gt sick of not seeing anything. The next day we packd up our tent and got ready to go canoeing, but had to leave all our stuff with Milo and Thomas cos we couldnt carry it al to the canoeing place. And then we did a 2 hour canoe trip and it was pretty fun, crashed into the bank loads but it was okay, and then there was a group of little kids who caught up to us and decided to all gang up on us and splash water at us, and driving us into the bank at the same time. Got back to the starting point, and then on the way back i wanted to jump off the bridge like the boys were doing. So i got myself on the edge of the bridge, and realised how high the birdge actually was, so got nervous as and tried to trick myself into jumping. Then the girls were all like go just jump dont think about it and then they made me nervous cos they started counting so i told everyone to shut up so i could think haha, and then this man came over looking all worried and was like you know you dont have to do it if you dont want to and im like yeah i know i want to do it im just scared haha. And then, i looked up and realised i had a full on crowd at on the river bank watching me all waiting for me to jump so im like great now i have to jump i cant chicken out infront of all these people haha. So then like after 10 mins of standing there being watched i jumped, and it wasnt even scary haha so did it again. And yeah then that night we came home.
Oh and also, there were soooo many english people there, like most of them were english, and then when we were at the beach once we were tanning and then these english people about 15 year olds come over by us and were talking to eachother, thinking that we were all french including me, and were in the middle of talking about me. One of the said "is that who i think it is?" so i looked at them and they were looking at me, and then another one goes "yeah thats her, the one with the tattoo." i looked over at them and fully felt like saying "you do realise i speak english and underdstand what your saying?" but yeah i just gave them a dirty look everytime they stared at me. haha.
But tomorrow we are leaving to go to Auvergne, the family farm, for 4 nights, then on Sunday im going to Italy for 4 days, and then after that i catch the train up to Paris for 3 or 4 nights and then come home, gna be a busy couple of weeks!

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