Saturday, May 1, 2010


Its been a while since ive last written on here, and theres been heaps of stuff thats happened that i keepd reminding myself to write about on my blog but i kepd forgetting and yeah now ive forgotten most of the details haha. But, in the holidays which ended like a month ago, it was pretty cool fun. The first week was busy busy, me and Fanny went out a few times, meeting heaps of new people, shopping, rah rah rah, all in Angoulême btw as we didnt go away that week. I also went to a film shoot thingy cos Fanny was on of the extras, and so i went along to see what that was all about. It went from 8am till like 6.30pm so was a pretty long day, and at first it was real interesting to see how they shoot scences and stuff, like they only did about 3 or 4 scences in the whole day, but had to repeat each one like a hundred times to get it perfect, so yeah tbh i got real bored after a while. So i would just sit on the side and watch everything, and then once one of the main actors even came and sat next to me for a few minutes and he said hi to me haha i felt so cool right then.
The second week we didnt do much, but we went to stay the night in Rochefort at Nathalie's sister(Frédérique)'s place, which is about 1 and a half hours away from Angoulême. It was cool meeting her and her kids (a girl, Julie, 12, and a boy, Loic, 16) they were nice. They also have the most beautifullest dog ive ever seen, its big and cream and fluffy and cuddly and doesnt smell! i so wanted to bring it back with us. We went to visit a place where a castle used to be, but was distroyed during the war to create a defense port thingy to protect the town, and then after that we went to the beach but the water wa way too cold to swim, so we just sunbathed.
The first couple of weeks have been okay, theres been quite a few tests in class lately as the school has exams coming up this term, but im not doing exams so i just draw when they have tests. I miss having art as a subject at school so i just have to doodle all the time to feel better haha and sometimes they turn into quite big drawings.
And about the dance competition, a school pulled out so we get to go in there place now. But we actually found out that its not a competition its more like a dance event kinda thing. We leave early wednesday morning, and come home the thursday night, and will be staying at the Futuroscope motel. Anyway, there will be lots more schools there, and therell be 3 dance shows and we will be showing our dance in one of them, and when were not doing that we get to choose 2 other types of dance to have lessons in, some of the options are hip hop, jazz, contemporary, salsa, ragga, african dance, and cant remember what else. And then et the end of the last day, we get to watch a proffesional dance show so yeah its gna be so cool i cant wait!
Today it is the first of May, and every year this day there is a big walk that goes on through the valley we live in "Valée des eaux claires", and so there have been crowds of people walking back and forth past my bedroom windown. Fanny went to go to town this morning to get some stuff, and she said that she had to zig zag between all the people on her way out there were so many.
Oh and also, just over the past week ive started to go for either a run or a bike ride through the valley everyday except friday. I run by myself but go biking with Fanny and the bikings pretty hard out haha there are hills EVERYWHERE, but yeah if we keep it up well be able to do all the hills no sweat by the time i leave:)

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