Monday, March 29, 2010

Décollage horaire

So on sunday Daylight savings started, so we now have to get up an hour earlier. I havent felt it yeat cos we started school at 10 this morning so we could sleep in anyway, but yeah we dont have histoire-géo or math all this week cos the teachers are both gone to Italy on a school trip. On wednsday however its gna be so hard : we have to go to a competition in Poitiers for dance ( hahaha how embarrassing im still learning!) and we have to be at school by 7 in the morning, meaning i have to get up at 6, meaning if it wasnt daylight savings it would be 5 in the morning. Génial! But yeah anyway about the competition, the teacher signed us up for it, but its gna be a joke cosim gna just gna be straight up - we suck. there is only one girl who is any good who has one of the main roles. And just to add to the joke, the other girl who had the second biggest part of the dance turns out cant come cos shes part of the group whos going to Italy, so the teacher decides to give her part to ME! LOL soo, on top of everything i had to quickly learn to be included just at the end, i had to learn all the other girls dance in the last practice we had:) i have no idea why the teacher gave it to me i suck at contemporary dance i am so uncoordonated, and so im not looking forward to this stupid competition lol its going to be a disaster.
Anyway what else has been happening, last week on tuesday i went to "Café Linguistique" which is a place where people get together to speak foreign languages together, which i think ive already written about. Anyway it was really cool i really enjoyed it. It was good being able to have proper conversations in english which i havent done in a while. I met some new people, there were two romanians who spoke english, a boy called Tibby and a girl called Michaela and they were both very good looking. and there was also a french girl who wants to improve her english, because nex year she is hoping to go to NZ and maybe study at Waikato Uni which i found pretty cool! The lady who invited me whos name is Nelly was the one who introduced me to all them, and shes really nice, she also lived in NZ for a bit too.
On Friday it was cool too, Fanny and a friend wanted to go to the public pools after school but i didnt really feel like it, so i spent the afternoon with another friend of mine, Chloé. It was real cool, she took me to where she hangs out and introduced me to all of her friends and she has ALOT of friends, so all the names of course just went in one ear and out the other. But they were all really nice and asked me heaps of questions about NZ and the parties and stuff lol it was cool. But yeah by the time everyone was ready to leave, i had managed to remember 2 peoples names. A girl called "Wasi" or something cant spell it, and a boy called "Tibeau" cant spell that either. Oh and another boy called Josuah but hes in my class and i already knew him. Oh yeah and i gave Josuah and Chloé some KORA songs and they loved them, and then they were playing some that afternoon and everyone else loved it too, haha it was cool sitting there and even hearing some of them sing along to the songs.
My weekend was pretty relaxed, the oldest sister Hélène came home from Paris for the weeked, andon saturday we all went to a second hand market, and i bought some really cool stuff all for only 5 euros which is about 10 NZ dollars. I got a little brown woolen hand bag, that hangs on yyour shoulder, another hand bad type thing that is beige and the material is kind of like canvas, and on the top and the inside its brown leather. And i also got a little blue leather Lancaster make up bag thing its quite nice! And after that we went to a friends house and yeah that was my weekend!
This week should hopefully go fast, and then when its finished we are on holidays for 2 weeks again, and im hoping to meet up with Jason and Carrie if shes not busy sometime during, so that should be cool! Right well im off now, but will let everyone know how the bloody dance competition goes haha.

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