Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not good.

So i have just come out of 1 and a half weeks of last ever holidays here in France before i me thinking that i leave Angoulême in exactly 26 days from now:( Not cool! But at the same time it is really cool cos it means i can get back to everyone back home, which i am really excited about. Its gna be so wierd tho seeing everyone again after such a long time being away from them, like seeing how people have changed, or how theyve stayed the same, seeing all the changes made around the town, seeing changes around my house (eg. new people living in it who i have never met before!!! haha :p), it just will be so wierd. And i don't know why but i think i may be a little tiny bit nervous about coming home haha how strange is that.
I will miss france, i know that. I was thinking about it the other day, and im just gna miss everyone coming to me at the last minute saying they understood nothing in the english homework, gna miss the hello kisses everyday that have become an automatic reaction now for me (will try carry on the trend in palmy, even though i know people will look at me awkwardly lol), theres just so much stuff that ive gotten used to here, that im gna miss so much! 26 days is gonna go so fast, so im gna try not to think about the fact that i have to leave soon, and gna try do as much as i can before i leave.
I dropped my laptop a couple of weeks ago too, and now it wont start up, so yeah, that really sucks. Atleast it means i cut down on my computer time which can only be a good thing? I thought id be so lost without it, but its not actually as bad as i thought itd be haha. Ive been occupying myself when theres nothing else to do, by drawing pictures. I drew a picture at the start of the year (in classes i didnt understand) and friends saw it and asked me to do them pictures too, and then more people see and want pictures so yeah, im trying to draw people pictures before i leave! haha. And i liek it tho cos i miss not having art as a subject here, unlike last year where i was having to draw or paint a picture nearly every weekend! So this kinda fills in the gap.
Oh yeah, and one more thing before i finish.
Im broke. Like outclean. And it sucks. Alot. Going into town with no money is self torture, and at the end of the year when i want to buy everyone presents, well, as the french say << ça fait chier!>> .

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