Thursday, September 16, 2010

La Rentrée

Okay, so, it has been so long since i last wrote, and so so much has happened since. I went to Rome with Aunty Awerangi and Uncle John, where we saw the Vatican City, St Peters Basilica, Sistine Chapel, The colloseum, the catcacombs, pompeii city, almafi coast and so much more ! i had sooo much fun there, it was really hot everyday (it was 41°C when we went to the vatican and that was in the morning! i got the bloodiest nose in my life as a result just as coming out of the basilica, so low key awkward when guards and other tourists would just stare at me sitting there trying to clean blood off of me.) We stayed in the centre of Rome in a motel, where we had drinks on the roof top bar and restaraunt every night (which of course, had the handsome, smooth talking italian waiter, who yes indeed, smooth talked me too! haha. the fact that uncle john and aunty awerangi didnt seem to be an issue for him!) We ate loooots of pasta, looots of pizza, and loooots of gelato every day! Sooo good!
After Italy, i went to spend a few days in Paris with Fanny, as her grandparents live there so we stayed there. I was welcomed at the train station by fanny and Hélène, and also by a full on fight in the train station involving atleast 6 grown men, yelling and chasing another grown man with long bits of jagged wood and baseball bats, gang bash, blood everywhere. Luckily (i use the word lightly) there had been an attempt to bomb a train station somewhere within the week, so there were troops of soldiers walking around everywhere in Paris with all ther guns and everything, so they were there to break up the battle. Any way, we did loooots of shopping ! went to the louvre museum (not into the actual museum, but inside the building. got inside and the line was too long.), saw the eiffel tower light up by night, sprinted thru the metro trying to catch the right one! The metro was where we had the most fun now that i think about it. We saw exhibitions at different museums in Paris, went and got a good taste of Paris night life, and just had so much fun !
During the rest of the holidays we did even more camping! One time to an island called "L'Ile de Ré" where young people our age would all gather on the beach everynight for a bonfire and drinks, without setting a time or place or being in contact with each other, we'd just go down to the beach and everyone would follow the flame of the bonfire. The old school way of meeting people! The other time we went camping was to a place called "Fouras", where it was just me and Fanny. Our camping spot was not ideal, it seemed as if we were plonked right in the middle of the surrounding peoples back yards. But we got used to it. There were a couple of guys our age staying in a tent not far from ours, so we got talking with them and just hung out with them, went to town, etc, which was cool!
The rest of the holidays was cool, did so much but there is too much to write about it all!
The first day of school was about 2 weeks ago, and my class is pretty much the same as last year except for a few changes. There is another boy in the class who moved from another school who is Irish, and has been living here for 7 years, so i can speak english with him too. And then there is another exchange student from America who arrived at the start of last week, and on her first day i asked her if she wanted to come hang out with us kinda thing cos she didnt know anybody, and shes really cool. It felt good to be able to talk about stuff with another english speaking girl my age like that! But we try to talk in french as much as we can still, but yeah its good to have someone to talk to in my own language! The classes are alot easier this year, i can see that ive made alot of progress over the summer holidays, because i understand everythign the teachers are saying, i can even take all my own notes like even when they dictate and everything. And i even did a essay in philosophy. (even tho i didnt anwser any of the given questions but still, i did something !)
But yeah, i think ive summed up everything so far, i will try and keep a regular update from now on! My time has gone sooo fast here, i only have like less that 3 months here:/ To be honest, im not ready to leave. I dont want to leave just yet, i want to stay just a little bit longer, things seem like theyre starting to get even better !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aorangi you are sooo lucky i wish i could come with u xxxx
