Monday, March 15, 2010


So the other day at school we were in english, and had a little suprise vocab test. The last phrase the teacher wanted us to translate into english was "Je veux que vous ecrivez" which means "i want you to write". A boy in my class however didnt know the answer, so quietly asked the person next to him what the answer was. They told him the answer, and so when he showed the teacher his answers, it turns out he had misheard the right answer and had written "I want you tonight." instead! hahahaha i could not stop laughing and neither could the teacher. And also today in English the teacher was talking about broad sheet newspapers, but because of her accent Fanny had misheard it, and wrote down "Broad Shit" instead lol english is the funnest class for me. On Friday it was the 6 days before all the people in terminale(7th form) have their Bac exams, and in France its tradition oon this day to chuck eggs and flour on all the seconde and premier (6th and 5th form) people, so i was paranoid the whole day. Its banned at our school tho thank god, because last year someone chucked a whole big sack of flour at someone, and they were only in troisième (4th form)! but we still went into town anyway and it was so funny seeing other people covered from head to toe in flour lol. On Saturday we had to go to school in the morning because it was the open day for the school, and it felt so wierd to be at school on a saturday which i have never done in my life. Thank god we dont have to do that everyweek like some schools in France do. On Saturday night, a friend called Amélie had a little soirée at her house to celelbrate her 17th bday, and it was very fun i had a good time. Fanny always does baking and is always really good at it, so we decided to make chocolate eclairs for the party. It was the first time i have helped her bake something and it was a complete disaster haha nothing went right! first the actual pastry didnt work cos it didnt rise, it burnt on the outside, and didnt cook on the inside. Then we made the choch cream for the inside which was the only thing that worked properly, except we made way too much of it. Then they looked real ugly so we decided to melt some choc for the icing, which Fanny let me do. Big mistake. I burnt the chocolate abit. I couldnt even melt choc without stuffing it up hahah! so we iced the "eclairs" anyway but it dried up way too fast and the "eclairs" actually looked like human poo hahahahah. So THEN we decided to put rainbow sprinkles on top to try and make them look better, and because we didnt want anyone to know that we had tried to make choc eclairs but had epicly failed. I left that bit to Fanny seeing as i had stuffed everything else up lol so Fanny starts sprinkling the sprinkles...when the lid falls off and alllll the sprinkles splat right in the middle of the plate hahahahaha so everything was a pretty big mess. So we didnt want anyone to know that we had attempted and failed at laking choc eclairs, so instead decided to say that it was a NZ specialty that was not eclairs. I then decided that i did not want to give NZ a bad name, so we changed it to be an Australian specialty called "Rainbow Cat Fingers" lol. We did not eat any at the party but said that we had already eaten too much at home so coudnt eat anymore hahaha but when people tried them they actually liked them. which made ma and fanny burst into laughter. everyone was wondering what was so funny and we didnt wanna give away our secret so fanny was siting there laughing, and pointing to Victor(friend) saying that it was him who was funny, and you had me sitting there laughing, pointing in the other direction saying it was the birds in the cage that were so funny and everyone was so confused lol but yeah it was a good night full of laughter, drinking, and dancing! Today it was so hot, well hottest its been since ive been here. It was 18 degrees and its supposed to be like this for the rest of the week, yay! Spring is finally coming:)

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