Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good to be back!

So i have been home for about 2 weeks and it doesnt even feel like ive even left? Everyones still the same, my mates are still as fun as they were before and im so happy to be able to just chill with them everyday! only thing thats changed is at home but other than that, everythings normal! Now i just need to enjoy my summer holidays, get started at university in february, then find a job so i can start saving to go back to france:)
Oh, and so apparently my blog is pretty famous? Congratulations to all you français reading and understanding it all. ;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Le temps passe beaucoup trop vite...

I cant beleive its already been 10 months since ive been in France, i only have 1 week and a half left! Im not looking forward to leaving here, ive gotten so used to the lifestyle, to the people, to the kisses hello everyday, even the school work!(well, what i do of it anyway). I cant imagine what it will be like to not see these people everyday anymore, im gonna miss them so much! I dont even like thinking about it anymore its so depressing lol, we even talked about it a little at school during the break and out of no where i started crying hahahaha. Talk about embarrasing. I try to not think about the fact im leaving soon, but everyday there is someone who brings it up, so yeah, its a little difficult haha.I could so continue to live here for a lot longer, atleast until the end of this school year when everyone else will be off on there own ways anyway! But oh well, i have told myself that i will be back here within 3 years, to see everyone again:) I havnt gotten homesick for NZ once since ive been here, but i know i will be homesick for france once i get back lol. funny how that happens. Anyway, at the same time im excited to get back to see everyone back home! and plus it will be summer which i cant wait for cos its been crappy weather here lately.

Anyway enough of this leaving rubbish, what has been happening. Not much, actually. Im going to Rochefort tomorrow evening with Nathalie, so i can see Frédérique (aunty) and Loic(cousin) and julie(cousin) one last time! On sunday or next wednseday afternoon we are also hoping to go ice skating which shoudl be fun. Im just trying to plan as many rendez-vous as i can, take as many photos as i can, and just make the most of every single moment i have left!

School is going good too, me and Amelia have just discovered a new guy at school, who could honestly be Chuck Bass's twin. Everytime i see him i ahve to look away so he cant see the facials(amazement) i make when i see him. hahaha. My philosophy teacher is still funny, just taking the piss out of everyone and everythign as usual. Take this remark he made about people, and how "they only buy new clothes cos they think they look better in them". He then said "i mean im sorry people, but if your ugly, then your ugly! a new hat aint gna change that"lol. hes funny. The economics teacher wants me to teach him a hand game that i tought to the girls in the class too. Economics is my fav class, its so relaxed for me and Amelia haha. Oh except for the other day when i lent my ipod to the boys next to me, and they thought it would be funny to change the language settings into chinese before they ghave it back-_-it took a good hour to figure out how to change it back by myself. Boy oh boy am i gonna miss that!!!

Im so glad i did this exchange, i love France!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not good.

So i have just come out of 1 and a half weeks of last ever holidays here in France before i me thinking that i leave Angoulême in exactly 26 days from now:( Not cool! But at the same time it is really cool cos it means i can get back to everyone back home, which i am really excited about. Its gna be so wierd tho seeing everyone again after such a long time being away from them, like seeing how people have changed, or how theyve stayed the same, seeing all the changes made around the town, seeing changes around my house (eg. new people living in it who i have never met before!!! haha :p), it just will be so wierd. And i don't know why but i think i may be a little tiny bit nervous about coming home haha how strange is that.
I will miss france, i know that. I was thinking about it the other day, and im just gna miss everyone coming to me at the last minute saying they understood nothing in the english homework, gna miss the hello kisses everyday that have become an automatic reaction now for me (will try carry on the trend in palmy, even though i know people will look at me awkwardly lol), theres just so much stuff that ive gotten used to here, that im gna miss so much! 26 days is gonna go so fast, so im gna try not to think about the fact that i have to leave soon, and gna try do as much as i can before i leave.
I dropped my laptop a couple of weeks ago too, and now it wont start up, so yeah, that really sucks. Atleast it means i cut down on my computer time which can only be a good thing? I thought id be so lost without it, but its not actually as bad as i thought itd be haha. Ive been occupying myself when theres nothing else to do, by drawing pictures. I drew a picture at the start of the year (in classes i didnt understand) and friends saw it and asked me to do them pictures too, and then more people see and want pictures so yeah, im trying to draw people pictures before i leave! haha. And i liek it tho cos i miss not having art as a subject here, unlike last year where i was having to draw or paint a picture nearly every weekend! So this kinda fills in the gap.
Oh yeah, and one more thing before i finish.
Im broke. Like outclean. And it sucks. Alot. Going into town with no money is self torture, and at the end of the year when i want to buy everyone presents, well, as the french say << ça fait chier!>> .

Chocolaterie "Letuffe" = heavennnnn!

The best chocolatier we have discovered so far.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Okay so avec Amelia, we have a mission to go hunt down all the best patissières, chocolateries, all the french-food-aries in town !
We went to town the other day and bought fresh, home made Macaroons (like a french delicacy! very delicious, but very pricy.) from a little patiserrie in Angoulême. I hadn't realised how many chocolateries, patissières etc. there were here! Which is where our new fav hobbie came from.We then set an actual day to go food shopping which we will do tomorrow haha which means i probably wont be able to eat all of this weekend. But thats okay, it'll be worth it !

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prof de Philo.

Just thought i'd add a link of something about my philosophy teacher. He's really into his job, and kinda of shows off all the time, so lots of people immediately disliked him cos he acted like he was the best there was.
It wasn't till someone googled his name that we found out he actually knew what he was talking about...(will have to translate page, or google translate^^)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

La Rentrée

Okay, so, it has been so long since i last wrote, and so so much has happened since. I went to Rome with Aunty Awerangi and Uncle John, where we saw the Vatican City, St Peters Basilica, Sistine Chapel, The colloseum, the catcacombs, pompeii city, almafi coast and so much more ! i had sooo much fun there, it was really hot everyday (it was 41°C when we went to the vatican and that was in the morning! i got the bloodiest nose in my life as a result just as coming out of the basilica, so low key awkward when guards and other tourists would just stare at me sitting there trying to clean blood off of me.) We stayed in the centre of Rome in a motel, where we had drinks on the roof top bar and restaraunt every night (which of course, had the handsome, smooth talking italian waiter, who yes indeed, smooth talked me too! haha. the fact that uncle john and aunty awerangi didnt seem to be an issue for him!) We ate loooots of pasta, looots of pizza, and loooots of gelato every day! Sooo good!
After Italy, i went to spend a few days in Paris with Fanny, as her grandparents live there so we stayed there. I was welcomed at the train station by fanny and Hélène, and also by a full on fight in the train station involving atleast 6 grown men, yelling and chasing another grown man with long bits of jagged wood and baseball bats, gang bash, blood everywhere. Luckily (i use the word lightly) there had been an attempt to bomb a train station somewhere within the week, so there were troops of soldiers walking around everywhere in Paris with all ther guns and everything, so they were there to break up the battle. Any way, we did loooots of shopping ! went to the louvre museum (not into the actual museum, but inside the building. got inside and the line was too long.), saw the eiffel tower light up by night, sprinted thru the metro trying to catch the right one! The metro was where we had the most fun now that i think about it. We saw exhibitions at different museums in Paris, went and got a good taste of Paris night life, and just had so much fun !
During the rest of the holidays we did even more camping! One time to an island called "L'Ile de Ré" where young people our age would all gather on the beach everynight for a bonfire and drinks, without setting a time or place or being in contact with each other, we'd just go down to the beach and everyone would follow the flame of the bonfire. The old school way of meeting people! The other time we went camping was to a place called "Fouras", where it was just me and Fanny. Our camping spot was not ideal, it seemed as if we were plonked right in the middle of the surrounding peoples back yards. But we got used to it. There were a couple of guys our age staying in a tent not far from ours, so we got talking with them and just hung out with them, went to town, etc, which was cool!
The rest of the holidays was cool, did so much but there is too much to write about it all!
The first day of school was about 2 weeks ago, and my class is pretty much the same as last year except for a few changes. There is another boy in the class who moved from another school who is Irish, and has been living here for 7 years, so i can speak english with him too. And then there is another exchange student from America who arrived at the start of last week, and on her first day i asked her if she wanted to come hang out with us kinda thing cos she didnt know anybody, and shes really cool. It felt good to be able to talk about stuff with another english speaking girl my age like that! But we try to talk in french as much as we can still, but yeah its good to have someone to talk to in my own language! The classes are alot easier this year, i can see that ive made alot of progress over the summer holidays, because i understand everythign the teachers are saying, i can even take all my own notes like even when they dictate and everything. And i even did a essay in philosophy. (even tho i didnt anwser any of the given questions but still, i did something !)
But yeah, i think ive summed up everything so far, i will try and keep a regular update from now on! My time has gone sooo fast here, i only have like less that 3 months here:/ To be honest, im not ready to leave. I dont want to leave just yet, i want to stay just a little bit longer, things seem like theyre starting to get even better !